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The Certification Plan and Reporting Database (CPARD) has EPA‐approved pesticide applicator certification plans and reporting required by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Certification of Pesticide Applicators (CPA) rule at 40 CFR Part 171. Entities administer certification programs according to EPA-approved plans and report annually on accomplishments.

In 2017, EPA set stronger standards in the CPA rule for applicators of restricted use pesticides (RUPs) and required entities to propose changes to certification plans by March 4, 2017.

CPARD has two sets of certification plans:
1. Plans in place before March 4, 2017 (noted as Pre-2017 Plans below) that stay in effect until EPA approves changes or they expire.
2. Plans approved after March 4, 2017 (noted as Post-2017 Approved Plans below) replace the Pre-2017 Plans.


Pre-2017 Plans and Reports by Entity

These plans were in place before March 4, 2017 and stay in effect until EPA approves plan changes or until they expire.

Post-2017 Approved Plans

These plans were approved after March 4, 2017 and replace the Pre-2017 Plans. EPA approves each plan as a whole. Each section should not be viewed out of context with the whole plan. Plans should not be compared as a whole or by section. Each jurisdiction has unique needs and circumstances. No two plans are identical.

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice: The Federal regulations at 40 CFR Part 171 requires States, Tribes and Federal Agencies with EPA-approved certification plans to submit annual reports. EPA may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a request for information, without an OMB-Control Number. The number is 2070-0029 for this report. EPA estimates an average of 77.35 hours per entity to gather, report, review and maintain the information. You may comment on the need for this information, the accuracy of the 77.35 hours burden estimate, suggestions for minimizing burden on entities, or any other aspect of the collection with the OMB Control Number, to: Director, Collection Strategies Division, U.S.E.P.A. (2822T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, D.C. 20460.


DISCLAIMER: EPA and certifying authorities are making corrections to the information on this site. The content is subject to change without notice. EPA cannot guarantee that the information is correct or complete. A disclaimer should accompany any use of this information.

For assistance, contact your regional EPA CPARD Manager, or contact
Stephanie Burkhardt ( or Jeanne Kasai (